Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So in 16h I'm leaving for Uganda...
I'm going to stay at the YWAM base in Arua in Northern Uganda.
Here's the link for the base I'm staying:

Check out our video:
 right to life - a compelling short piece on children's right to life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Last Saturday we made it on the top of the tallest mountain on earth!!! Mauna Kea is 4205m above sea-level. However, much of the mountain is below sea level; when measured from its oceanic base, it stands at more than 10200m.

We rented a truck and took on the way to get there some pictures at the beach and digusted some coffee and chocolate which was really delicious.
We just arrived on time on the top of the mountain, the sun was just starting to set  - good we had each other to give us warm in the back of the truck while looking at one gorgeous sunset over a sea of clouds. It was freezing cold up there.  Nevertheless we really enjoyed it and we've been finishing our day with gazing at the most awesome (i know but this was reallly most awesome) starry sky.

 a few shots of me at the beach...
with my outreach leader jaquie

Mauna Kea....

one of the biggest observatoriums

Just 2 weeks left until Uganda...
Nur noch 2 Wochen bis Uganda. Ich kann es noch gar nicht fassen, dass ich schon bald ein ganz anderes Leben führen werde.  Auf viele Dinge werde ich verzichten müssen, aber gerade dies wird für mich eine gute Erfahrung sein. Ich freue mich auf die Arbeit mit den Kindern und neue Leute zu treffen, mit ihnen das Leben zu teilen, von ihnen zu lernen und von ihrem Leben zu erfahren. Ich bin gespannt auf das Abenteuer.

Vor einer Woche war ich mit meiner Klasse volunteering am Ironman in Hawaii. Um 4.15 klingelte bereits mein Wecker, denn wir mussten früh auf um die Schuhe der Athleten neben die Veloständer zu legen. Wir waren aber schneller, als die Organisatoren dachten und so machten wir es uns gemütlich am Strand mit einem Kaffee. Leider nicht allzulange, denn schon bald fuhren die ersten Athleten ein, unter anderem auch  Lance Armstrong, den ich gar nicht erkannt hätte, wenn nicht alle so laut geschrien hätten :) Natascha Badmann war auch am Start (6x hat sie hier gewonnen), ich traff sie aber nicht, weil ich beschäftigt war mit Velos einparken, lotsen und den Athleten Schuhe bereit stellen. Wäre ja noch interessant gewesen, wenn ich in Hawaii eine aus meinem Dorf getroffen hätte.

chilling at the beach
my roomies Soon and Hyeon
shoebags next to the biking stations

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sage ja zu den Überraschungen, die deine Pläne durchkreuzen,
deine Träume zunichte machen, deinem Tag eine ganz andere Richtung geben - ja vielleicht deinem Leben.
Sie sind nicht Zufall. Lass Gott, dein Vater die Freiheit selber den Verlauf deiner Tage zu bestimmen.
Dom Holder Camara

My thoughts, says the Lord, are not like yours, and my ways are different form yours.
As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours. Isahiah, 55:8-9

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Uganda update:

Ich habe euch leider nur ein Uganda update, weil wir nicht mehr nach Süd Sudan gehen, denn leider ist Südsudan im Krieg mit dem Sudan. Betet für Frieden zwischen diesen Ländern.
Wir sind immer noch am planen unseres 2.5-monatigen Aufenthalts und deshalb kann ich euch noch keine Details geben.
Sicher ist, dass wir in Arua (Nordwest-Uganda) an der YWAM Base weilen. Wir werden dort vor allem mit Kindern arbeiten, insbesondere mit Waisenkindern.

There's just an Uganda update, coz we'll not go to South Sudan anymore, since South Sudan is currently at war with Sudan. Please pray for the violence to end. 
We are still planning our outreach and so i can't tell you exactly what we will be doing in Uganda, but for sure we will be staying at the YWAM base in Arua in West-Northern Uganda. We will be working with children's ministries and orpahnages in the area.

Spende/ Donation

Der 2.5-monatige Aufenthalt in Uganda ist leider nicht ganz billig. Die Kosten betragen rund 4800 Fr. Falls ihr gerne etwas an meine Arbeit mit Waisenkindern in Uganda spenden möchtet, dürft ihr das natürlich gerne. 
The 2.5 month during outreach in Uganda is pretty pricy. The costs are around 5000 $. Feel free to spend something on my work with orphans in Uganda. 


1. Click: donate 

2. Just type all this information into the fields on the website page.

Students last name: Ladner
First Name: Lea
Students email address:
Students birth date: March 11 1985
School/Seminar name: DTS- PhotogenX
Starting month and year: April 2012

Mark: student outreach

Ich kann leider nicht sehen, wer mir Geld gespendet hat und wieviel Geld gespendet wurde, deshalb lasst es mich doch wissen. Ich möchte euch gerne Danke sagen.
The only bad thing about this process is that YWAM Kona currently does not have a system to keep track of each payment that has been made into a students' account so they won't be able to tell me who donated. I would LOVE to send you a thank you card if you make a donation but you will have to let me know when you make one and how much it is, unless you really want to remain anonymous which is your choice I guess. 


...for all i have and what i am.
I'm a girl who's valued and loved for what she is.

In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls are missing in the world today because of this so-called "gendercide".

did you know that
- 80% of all the aborted children in India are girls?
-  In the last 30 years 400 Mio. children have been killed due to abortion in China? In compare: The USA has a population of 312 Mio. people.

After being exposed to different topics of injustice over the past few years, there are few things that really shake me like this did. I don't know what is more heartbreaking...the fact that this is happening to millions of girls around the world or that the people a part of this are so broken they believe what they are doing is okay... 
What is shakening you? 

Photoassignement this week: Creating a photostory. This was quite easy with my actors i had :)

 a cat lovestory

Monday, May 21, 2012

our aim of our travel a 440m high waterfall                                                                                                             by ethan lewko
how my weekend started:

waking up at 8am, undecided if i should go to the waipio valley or just relaxing, having a shower, 8.20 finally decided to go, 8.30 grabbing a coffee at the food line and adventure starts:
hiking through the jungle                                                       by josh huston
hiking through the jungle, crossing rivers, climbing up rocks, getting to see a 440m high waterfall and having a lil shower there, swimming at a black sand beach, having a very funny ride in the back of a truck on one of the world steepest roads while listening to mumford & sons, having the best coffee on this island so far and finally seeing a smoking volcano on the way back = it was an awesome day at waipio valley
i didn't took my camera with me, coz i didn't know if my camera would survive the river, so here we go some pics of others.

crossing rivers                                  by josh huston

having a waterfall shower                                                                                                                                         by ethan lewko

looking pretty at black sand beach by jaquie baute

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today we watched the movie "sex and money" a documentary about sex trafficking in America.

Since September 2009, the crew has traveled to over 30 states and conducted more than 75 interviews with federal agents, victims, politicians, activists, psychologists, porn-stars, among others. Inform you more about the full film: here

Sad but true this is an issue all over the world:
Children being bought and sold to satisfy the sexual pleasures of other humans. We can't close our eyes and point or fingers on other countries. It's happening just right now where you live.

My heart breaks for the stories of those victims who lost all their value and the purity of childhood.
God put on my heart a desire to work against this injustice. I'm not sure where God leads me to but I could imagine to give girls in countries where they are not able to go in school an education, so that they are able to break out of their poverty and get some work where they are valued.

Was können wir in der Schweiz tun???

Stellt euch einen Rückgang der Prostituierten um 40% vor! Dies ist in Schweden Realität.

Die schwedische Regierung hat 1999 den Verkauf von Sex dekriminalisiert, zugleich jedoch Kuppelei und den Kauf von Sex zu Straftatbeständen gemacht. Gemäß dem schwedischen „Gesetz über den Kauf von Sex“ ist das Bezahlen für Sex eine Straftat, die mit einer Geldstrafe oder einer Gefängnisstrafe von bis zu sechs Monaten belegt wird – und der Schande öffentlicher Bloßstellung. Laut den schwedischen Behörden ist die Zahl der Prostituierten in Schweden aufgrund dieses Gesetzes um 40% zurückgegangen.

--> Mit 100'000 Unterschriften können wir eine Abstimmung über eine Verfassungsänderung fordern.

other actions:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Photo project: Ilustrating a Bible verse

Proverb 3:3
Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

my god is a god who provides...indeed!

Thursday: Some students needed together $7,100 by tomorrow to cover the remaining lecture fees or the students were going to get sent home.. We took up an offering in class, prayed for multiplication and this is what we got --> $9,690. Praise Jesus!!”

The weekend has not even finished yet but all i can say it was great so far. The relaxing time at the green sand beach was very needed yesterday. Nevertheless we also searched for adventure and went down to South Point to jump from the cliff - a 40ft/12m jump in the bluest and clearest water. It was awesome, even though my landing was not so soft. My legs got a bit of a red tan - it's turning to blueish today...
Later on today i'll take part in a german evening. To speak a bit in my own language is going to be a good change. Sometimes im getting tired from speaking and thinking in English all the time. It's also a great oppertunity to get to know some knew ppl from other classes.

Hawaii is such a beautiful place. I'm stoned by the differsity of the landscape. In an hour car drive you can see green fields, desert landscapes, hills, volcano rocks and beautiful tropical forest.

Some weekend impressions:

green sand beach
we were 14 ppl in such a truck driving on the craziest roads ever 
magical landscapes

magical sunset...unfortunately just seen out of a van.
cliff jumping

some beautiful people

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Today's photo project:
We were told to go out into town to take a picture of someone we didn't know. The portrait should tell a story.

good but also bad news today:

God is our provider.
My broken lense could get fixed and I didn't had to pay for the cost of the repair, surprisingly somebody else payed for me. Thank you so much.
Since I'm short on money, what a blessing.

Later on today I had to say goodbye to my dear grandma. It's very sad that I couldn't be there when she passed away and that I won't see her again here on earth.
But I also know that she's happy now, she's together with her husband and my granddad again and will not have pains anymore. She has overcome dead and has eternal life! She lives with our father in heaven.

Romans 14:8 For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.
shortly said: the weekend was all about our hearts...intense but very refreshing!

and we had the possibilty to see more of the beauty of Hawaii - where Jurassic Parc has been filmed.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

In the last few weeks I was always focusing on the past, struggled with the same issues over and over again. But in this week I could really see how God works on my heart. From one day to the next I could finally experience peace and I came to the point to move forward.

I'm so excited for this weekend. We're going up to a camp, leave the classroom behind for a bit and we'll have time to get to know each other better.

Loneliness is the biggest poverty. Mother Teresa

So let's share love