Saturday, April 28, 2012

In the last few weeks I was always focusing on the past, struggled with the same issues over and over again. But in this week I could really see how God works on my heart. From one day to the next I could finally experience peace and I came to the point to move forward.

I'm so excited for this weekend. We're going up to a camp, leave the classroom behind for a bit and we'll have time to get to know each other better.

Loneliness is the biggest poverty. Mother Teresa

So let's share love

Friday, April 27, 2012

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Thanks for my Mum and Dad, Jacki and Tatiana for being here and talking with me when I needed it. You're great <3
ps: hehe, and thanks for another short night

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

What's God stirring in you? This was the questions yesterday

Being a good mum and wife one day

Trying to have a good impact on other people's life

Serving God in his will.     

I always thought I would be married by now, may have some kids soon, but God has a different time scale then I have.

I was dreaming, meeting, planning, wishing, hoping and now praying.

God led me different, his plans were various from my plans.
My future is really open right now which is kinda scary  but at the same time exciting. I know I must let things go and trust God that he has a great plan for my life. I must be open for new things God wants to show me.

If you plan your life too much you may not see the things that God has in store for you. You plan to have your job here, your house there but God wants you somewhere else, are you ready to change your plans?

Be open to let go of the life you have planned to see what God has in store for you and let him guide your life.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

      with my rommies before korean dinner: christie, ruth and giselle

Week 2 was very challenging. There were things of my past which worked on me. I must set the focus more on God, his purpose in my life and to trust him completely.

To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. Heb 11:1

We enjoyed our time relaxing at the beach, eating korean food, sunday service at the beach, strolling at the markets, good talks, ice cream, and writing compassion for visiting my sponsor child :) ...

Something to think about:
 If the world would be a village of 100 people...

we should never forget how privileged we are!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

some facts about the 2 countries im going to

Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world, with 37.7 per cent of its population living below the international poverty line of US$1.25 per day in 2009. Among these poor, women are the poorest.
Women work around 15 hours, as compared to men, who work between 8 and 10 hours a day. Women must submit to an overall lower social status than men. For many women, this reduces their power to act independently, participate in community life, become educated and escape reliance upon abusive men.
The infant mortality is 100.7 per 1000 live births and the maternal mortality rate is over 12 times higher than is normal for developed countries.

Illiteracy/ Analphabetismus: 33%
male: 24%
female: 43%

HIV: In the 1980s, more than 30% of Ugandan residents had HIV; this had fallen to 6.4% by the end of 2008, the most effective national response to AIDS of any African country.

56% have access to drinking water

Age:  0–14 years: 50,4 %
         15–64 years: 47,1 %
         65 years and older: 2,5 %

South Sudan:
The youngest country in the world. Founded in July 2011. After South Sudan became an independent nation, southern and northern negotiators were not immediately able to reach an agreement on how to split the revenue from these southern oilfields. Unfortuntately the two countries have drawn closer to a full-scale war in recent weeks over the unresolved issues of oil revenues and their disputed border.Please pray for those 2 countries.

South Sudan is acknowledged to have some of the worst health indicators in the world. The under-five infant mortality rate is 135.3 per 1,000, whilst maternal mortality is the highest in the world. The economy of South Sudan is one of the world's weakest and most underdeveloped.
Illiteracy/ Analphabetismus: 73%
male: 60%
female: 84% (highest in the world!!!)

HIV: 3.5% of the population

55% have access to drinking water

Age:  0-14 years: 44.4% 
        15-64 years: 53% 
        65 years and over: 2.6%