Saturday, May 26, 2012

Uganda update:

Ich habe euch leider nur ein Uganda update, weil wir nicht mehr nach Süd Sudan gehen, denn leider ist Südsudan im Krieg mit dem Sudan. Betet für Frieden zwischen diesen Ländern.
Wir sind immer noch am planen unseres 2.5-monatigen Aufenthalts und deshalb kann ich euch noch keine Details geben.
Sicher ist, dass wir in Arua (Nordwest-Uganda) an der YWAM Base weilen. Wir werden dort vor allem mit Kindern arbeiten, insbesondere mit Waisenkindern.

There's just an Uganda update, coz we'll not go to South Sudan anymore, since South Sudan is currently at war with Sudan. Please pray for the violence to end. 
We are still planning our outreach and so i can't tell you exactly what we will be doing in Uganda, but for sure we will be staying at the YWAM base in Arua in West-Northern Uganda. We will be working with children's ministries and orpahnages in the area.

Spende/ Donation

Der 2.5-monatige Aufenthalt in Uganda ist leider nicht ganz billig. Die Kosten betragen rund 4800 Fr. Falls ihr gerne etwas an meine Arbeit mit Waisenkindern in Uganda spenden möchtet, dürft ihr das natürlich gerne. 
The 2.5 month during outreach in Uganda is pretty pricy. The costs are around 5000 $. Feel free to spend something on my work with orphans in Uganda. 


1. Click: donate 

2. Just type all this information into the fields on the website page.

Students last name: Ladner
First Name: Lea
Students email address:
Students birth date: March 11 1985
School/Seminar name: DTS- PhotogenX
Starting month and year: April 2012

Mark: student outreach

Ich kann leider nicht sehen, wer mir Geld gespendet hat und wieviel Geld gespendet wurde, deshalb lasst es mich doch wissen. Ich möchte euch gerne Danke sagen.
The only bad thing about this process is that YWAM Kona currently does not have a system to keep track of each payment that has been made into a students' account so they won't be able to tell me who donated. I would LOVE to send you a thank you card if you make a donation but you will have to let me know when you make one and how much it is, unless you really want to remain anonymous which is your choice I guess. 


...for all i have and what i am.
I'm a girl who's valued and loved for what she is.

In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls are missing in the world today because of this so-called "gendercide".

did you know that
- 80% of all the aborted children in India are girls?
-  In the last 30 years 400 Mio. children have been killed due to abortion in China? In compare: The USA has a population of 312 Mio. people.

After being exposed to different topics of injustice over the past few years, there are few things that really shake me like this did. I don't know what is more heartbreaking...the fact that this is happening to millions of girls around the world or that the people a part of this are so broken they believe what they are doing is okay... 
What is shakening you? 

Photoassignement this week: Creating a photostory. This was quite easy with my actors i had :)

 a cat lovestory

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